Share Screen in Google Meet

Did you know that video meetings and screen sharing, enabled by CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service), can make our work even better? They help us communicate and collaborate with others, especially when we can’t be together in person. In this blog post, we’ll discover why screen sharing and video meetings are important, and I’ll show you step-by-step how to share screen in Google Meet, a cool platform for virtual meetings.

The Power of Video Conferencing

Video meetings are amazing because they let us talk and work with people who are far away. We can see and hear each other, even if we’re in different places. It’s like being together, even when we’re apart! With video meetings, we can have meetings, share our ideas, and work together, no matter where we are. This is really helpful when some of us are at home and others are at school or somewhere else.

Importance of Screen Sharing in Video Conferences

Now, let’s talk about screen sharing, a special feature that makes video meetings even more awesome. It allows us to show our computer screens, apps, or special documents to others in the meeting. Screen sharing, made possible through CPaaS, has lots of benefits, such as:

Better Communication

When we share screens in Google Meet or other apps during a video meeting, with the help of CPaaS, it becomes easier for everyone to understand our ideas. Instead of just talking about our thoughts, we can actually show them on our computer screens. This visual representation helps others to see exactly what we’re talking about and makes the conversation more engaging. It’s like we’re all on the same page, looking at the same things together.

Working Together

Screen sharing made possible with CPaaS integration, is not just about showing our work to others, but it’s also a way to collaborate effectively. Imagine if we were working on a project with our teammates, but we were in different locations. Share screen in Google Meet and look at all documents or files and work at the same time. We can give feedback, make changes, and edit things in real-time, even if we’re not physically in the same place. It’s like having a virtual office where we can work side by side.

Cool Presentations

One of the really fun things about screen sharing is that it allows us to create awesome presentations. Instead of just talking about our ideas, we can share slides, videos, and other cool stuff with our friends or colleagues. Presenting things visually captures their attention and makes the presentation more interesting. They can see exactly what we’re talking about, and it helps them understand and remember the information better. It’s like watching a cool video or a fun slideshow together! So, learn to share screen in Google Meet and make your presentations attractive.

Learning and Help

Screen sharing is incredibly helpful when we’re learning something new or need technical support. Let’s say we’re having trouble with software or a program, and we’re not sure how to use it. With screen sharing our teacher or someone knowledgeable can guide us through each step. They can show us their screen and demonstrate how to use the software. If there’s a problem, they can see it and help us troubleshoot in real-time. It’s like having a personal tutor right there with us, making sure we understand and overcome any obstacles. Screen sharing, with the assistance of CPaaS, truly makes learning and getting help a lot easier and more effective.

Enhancing the Hybrid Work Experience

Now, let’s see how screen sharing can make our work even better when we’re in a hybrid model. Hybrid work means that some of us work in person, and others work remotely. Screen sharing, enabled by CPaaS, helps bring us together, no matter where we are. It helps us work together and communicate well. Here’s how:

Easy Collaboration

When we share our screens everyone can actively participate and work together in meetings and projects. It doesn’t matter if we’re at home or at school. We can all see and interact with shared documents or presentations, just like being in the same room.

Seeing Everything

In an in-person meeting, we can see whiteboards, shared documents, or presentations. Screen sharing brings that to remote workers, so they understand everything and can join the discussion.

Problem-Solving Together

Working as a team to solve problems is important. Screen sharing lets us work together on shared documents or apps in real-time. We can give feedback, edit things together, and find solutions, no matter where we are.

Learning and Support

When we work remotely, getting training or help can be hard. But with screen sharing, our teacher or support staff can show us how to use software, fix problems, and teach us in real-time. It’s like they’re right there with us, helping us out.

Fun Meetings

Sometimes, virtual meetings can feel a bit boring or disconnected. But with screen sharing, we can make meetings more interactive and exciting. Sharing slides, videos, or other cool things grabs everyone’s attention and makes the meeting more fun. This helps us work together better and get better results.

How to Share Screen in Google Meet

Now, let’s learn how to share screen in Google Meet, with the assistance of CPaaS. It’s really easy! Just follow these steps:

Join the Meeting: Click on the link or enter the meeting code to join the Google Meet meeting.

Start Screen Sharing: Once you’re in the meeting, look for the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. You’ll see different icons, including a button that says “Present now” with an arrow pointing up. Click on this button.

Choose Your Screen: A menu will appear showing the screens or windows you can share. Select the screen or app you want to share.

Share Your Screen: After selecting your screen, click on the “Share” button. Now, you can share screen in Google Meet with everyone in the meeting.

Stop Sharing: To stop sharing your screen, simply click on the “Stop sharing” button, which you’ll find at the bottom of the screen or in the toolbar.


Video meetings and screen sharing, empowered by CPaaS, are super cool and helpful tools for our work. They help us communicate, collaborate, and have awesome meetings, even when we’re not in the same place. Share screen in Google Meet and make virtual meetings more engaging and productive. So, next time you have a video meeting, remember to try out screen sharing, facilitated by CPaaS, and make your work even better!

By admin

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